Classical Greek Painting
Looking at Classical Greek painting you see a revelation of naturalist and linear perspectives that remained intact until Italian high renaissance. During the classical period painting of all sorts flourished including vase painting. The highest form of painting completed though was panel painting that was done in tempura or encaustic. Subjects painted included portraits, figurative …

Greek Artists Keeping Art Alive
Greek art is actually tragically disappearing especially since few temples survived including the temple of Hephaestus and the Parthenon. Only a few fragments of the five wonders of the world built by Greece survived. This include Lighthouse of Alexandria, Mausoleum of Hailicarnassus, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus and Colossus of …

Greek Mythology Paintings
Inside the National Gallery in London and also the Uffizi Gallery in Florence are a large number of magnificent Greek mythology paintings.

The Most Intense Greek Statues
Artemision Bronze The Artemision bronze is believed to be either Poseidon or Zeus and it is unknown who sculpted it even though suggestions are that it could be either Onata or Myron. It was recover in Cape Artemision from the sea. Zeus at Olympia The 13 meter statue of Zeus depicting a sitting giant which …